Salle de presse

Il y a toujours quelque chose sur le feu à Dawn Farms. Nous aimons tenir informés nos parties prenantes des dernières actualités du monde de la gastronomie grâce à notre bulletin hebdomadaire Top 9 des opinions de consommateurs. Dégustation de produits régionaux ou foire internationale… nous avons en général toujours beaucoup de choses à raconter. Nous proposons aussi des éditoriaux sur des sujets brûlants comme la développement durable, l’accréditation, la santé, la nutrition, les jobs à pourvoir et plein d’autres sujets qui valent la peine d’être partagés.

NEWS PLUS Issue 42

NEWS PLUS Issue 42

A global update on food safety brought to you by FOOD PLUS + an enhanced approach to food safety and quality.

FoodCloud Impact Report

FoodCloud Impact Report

Dawn Farms have been partnered with FoodCloud since 2013, and, to date, have donated enough product to help produce 263,205 meals, equivalent to 353.7 tonnes of CO2 avoided.

Zambrero Plate 4 Plate Day

Zambrero Plate 4 Plate Day

Zambrero holds an annual meal packing event, where volunteers come together to help pack meals for those in need. This year Zambrero packed 120,000 meals to help change lives via their hunger relief partners, Rise Against Hunger.

SIAL Paris 2024

SIAL Paris 2024

We exhibited at this year’s SIAL Paris which took place from 19-23 October. We invited customers and prospects to stop by our stand to talk about and try our delicious range of fully cooked, ready-to-eat protein ingredients, developed for sandwiches, pizzas, burgers, and the food-to-go channels.


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